Are you familiar with the Reason Rally? The first one was in 2012, and it looks like it was a great time! Great speakers, and lots of friendly, happy folks having a big party down in DC. (YouTube is a great place to find videos of the speakers from 2012.)
A second Reason Rally is coming up in a couple of months, on June 4, 2016! From the Reason Rally Website:
Speak Up for Reason!
If you know that you can be a good person without believing in a god …
If you think public policy should be based on scientific evidence, not religious beliefs …
If you support the separation of church and state …
… then join us for the biggest gathering of nonreligious people in history!
The event is free, and we want to encourage lots of people from Central New York to go. It should be really fun and empowering, while also letting lawmakers and politicians know that non-believers are out here, and they can't afford to ignore us!
If you are coming from the Syracuse area, and feel overwhelmed by the idea of driving all that way, stopping for potty breaks, looking for parking, or finding a hotel, check out the Rally Bus! Go to and use the drop-down menus to find Syracuse, NY. A bunch of people are getting a group together to get a bus from Syracuse to DC and back the day of the event. It leaves at about 1 am on Saturday, drops everyone off at the Lincoln Memorial at 9 am, then picks everyone back up at 7 pm, getting us back to Syracuse at 2:45 am Sunday. The price of tickets goes up as the date approaches, so get a ticket soon! If we don't get a total of 40 people, your money will be refunded, or we may combine with a bus from a nearby city to reach the number needed.