At our book club meeting earlier this month, we discussed It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism by Bernie Sanders. One thing we learned about in the book is the outsized influence a small number of people and corporations have over elections and elected officials, as well as over media outlets and what is covered in the news. We discussed the importance of local politics and elections, and the lack of independent local news sources that cover local politics. Many, if not all, of us present felt like we wanted to take action to participate more fully in and strengthen our democracy.
One of the attendees suggested the CNY Solidarity Coalition as a resource for those who want to get involved. The CNY Solidarity Coalition has has a very clear left, progressive stance, which may appeal to some more than others, but the group provides a very discreet and important focus on participating in our democracy. According to their website, they are “a grassroots coalition of organizations and individuals vigorously working for economic, social and environmental justice and the protection of our neighbors.”
For folks asking how to get engaged locally in a meaningful way, this may be the strongest group to provide opportunities for that, and guidelines for action. Election day is only a few weeks away!
Go to to see who is running at the County, City, Town, and Village levels in Onondaga County