CNYHA Billboard: Don't Believe in God? You're Not Alone!

Did you see the article about the CNYHA on on Friday? Or hear our president, Corrina Allen, interviewed on WSYR over the weekend? All this attention is coming our way after we announced our billboard, which went up on Monday!

The goal of the billboard is not to convince anyone to be an atheist. The goal is simply to let those who are interested in humanism or atheism know that there are others out there who don't believe, and that there is a community out here for them if they want one.

The billboard is visible from 690, and will be up until September 4. We hope that it will be seen by a large number of people from all over the region, particularly during the State Fair.

The impetus for this project came when the Freethinkers of Upstate New York (FUNY), a group of non-believers who had been active in the area for many years, disbanded. They had been collecting money at their monthly meetings for a billboard for a long time. They passed their Billboard Fund on to our group when they closed down. We then received a grant for promotion from the American Humanist Association, of which we are a chapter. It was enough, when added to the FUNY money, to pay for a billboard for a month! We are really excited to finally see a non-believer's billboard in Central New York, and we hope it will help people who are looking, to find a community of like-minded folks.

And we wanted to give a big shout-out to Lamar Advertising! They were great to work with, and we think the sign looks awesome. Thanks! 

We would love to see you at an upcoming event, and if you'd like to become a supporting member or donate to continue the work of the CNY Humanists, just click here:

Thank you!

We would love to see you at an upcoming event, and if you'd like to become a supporting member or donate to continue the work of the CNY Humanists, just click here: