Dr. Lawrence Torcello joins us to discuss climate science denialism.
What is the nature of climate denialism and how does it relate to pseudoscience? Does science denialism reveal moral implications bearing on our methods of inquiry? What strategies exist to address climate denialism in the public sphere? This talk will examine how science denialism is related to pseudoscience. Moreover, it will cover how science denialism reveals ethical implications related to belief formation itself—and what strategies are most effective in countering science denialism in the public sphere.
About Lawrence Torcello:
Lawrence Torcello received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University at Buffalo. He is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology. He regularly teaches and publishes on issues related to critical thinking, social and political philosophy, moral theory, and bioethics broadly construed (i.e. ethical issues in biology, ecology, and medicine). His current research investigates the philosophical responsibilities implicit to democratic citizenship, and public discourse, with emphasis on the moral implications of anthropogenic climate change and science denialism.
More information about Professor Torcello, and links to his published work, can be found at his philosophy department homepage.